Happy fall to all of you! And it seems like we are finally enjoying some fall-like weather!
October Tuition Tuition is due the first of each month; after the tenth of each month, tuition will be considered late and assessed a $15 late fee. Please check your account in studio director to assure payment has been made.
Chomp Childhood Cancer Through our fundraising activities in September, we were able to raise over $1,000 for the Adam Faulk Tanksley Foundation. Thank you for your participation and commitment to raising awareness and funds in the fight against childhood cancer! We are going to continue our support of the foundation with a tree farm for the holidays - and Family Dollar will match funds raised through that event. Stay tuned for more details!
Bring a Friend Week
We will be hosting our Bring a Friend Week as well as Fall Parent Observation in the next few weeks. Please watch your email for more information!
Please make sure your child's name is in/on their shoes! We are working on a partnership with Mabel's Labels for great, super strong clothing and shoe labels.
Please note that costume fees are due on November 1; these fees have been added to your dancer's Studio Director account. We begin selecting costumes in December!
Please park in the Centre lot or the lot to adjacent to our parking lot.
Important Dates October 24, 28, and 29: Wear your Halloween costumes to dance class! Please make sure you can still dance freely.
October 31: The studio will be closed so our dancers can enjoy Halloween!
November 27 - December 1: Thanksgiving Break (studio closed)
December 14: Easley Christmas Parade (We participate with a float; stay tuned for details!)
December 20 - January 5: Christmas Break (studio closed)
January 18: Winter Show (This is an opportunity to watch our competition dancers perform.)
March 16 - 20: Picture Week
April 10 - April 19: Spring Break (studio closed)
May 16: Centre Concert (This is our spring recital; rehearsal will be on May 15.)
May 21: Last Day of Class
We've enjoyed an amazing start to the 2019-2020 dance season! Please keep taking lots of photos to share with us by using #stepoutstandout and #embracetheoriginal and tagging @thecentreandco!