Hi, dancers and families! Being able to dance with all of you via Zoom has been a wonderful way to connect with you and see you learn!
Presently, we are going to offer Zoom/pre-recorded classes this week and the following week. The week of May 18, we hope to re-open the studio on an adjusted schedule with extra safety precautions in place. (We may be able to complete company and Thursday class photos the week prior.) Be advised we will be acting in accordance with the CDC guidelines and will keep you updated as our plan evolves.
Recital Update
Our team has been hard at work to form a plan to give our dancers a recital to recognize their hard work - and give us all something to look forward to in the midst of these challenging times. We are excited to share we will have a virtual recital on Saturday, June 27. We are bringing a production studio and stage company in-house to record routines on Monday, June 22 and Tuesday, June 23. Each class will have a designated time slot and will be able to record multiple times as needed for a perfect performance (and we will clean between each routine)! The routines will then be produced into a complete presentation and shared with all of our dance families on June 27.
We cannot thank you enough for your ongoing support. We've never been more grateful. Thank you.