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December Dance Steps

Writer's picture: The Centre & Co.The Centre & Co.

Updated: Feb 25, 2019

Good afternoon, dancers and families, and Merry Everything! Please read (and re-read) the information below carefully.

Easley Christmas Parade

The Centre & Co. will participate in the Easley Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 8. We are entry #13. We will line up in the Easley First Baptist Church parking lot (only the floats are allowed in this space so please either drop off or park and walk your dancer to the lot). Dancers should arrive by 5pm. Recreation dancers should wear their new Centre sweatshirts and Company dancers should wear company jackets. Please wear black pants or leggings, boots, and accessorize with white, blue, or black hats, scarves, gloves, etc.  We will return to our starting location and request you please pick up your dancers as soon as possible after the parade. 

We are aware of the possibility of inclement weather for the weekend, but as of right now, the parade is on. We will not know of any changes until Saturday.   We will let you know as soon as we hear. 

SWEATSHIRTS for the Parade (and beyond!) will be available for pick up at the studio on Thursday, 4-7:30pm. Sweatshirts must be paid in full; $25 cash or check, or we can run the card on file.

If anyone would like to help with the float, please let us know.

Christmas Spirit Days

Thursday, December 13: Pajama Day (Dancers can wear pajamas as long as they don't inhibit their dancing!)

Monday, December 17: Naughty & Nice List (Wear red for naughty and green for nice!)

Tuesday, December 18: Christmas Spirit Day (Ugly sweaters or any other Christmas gear!)

Christmas Break: December 19 - January 1

The last day for 2019 classes will be Tuesday, December 18. Classes will resume on Wednesday, January 2. (Company dancers, please adhere to rehearsal schedules for choreography for December 20 and a revised schedule for January 4.)

Pajama & Book Drive

Our Pajama & Book Drive for the Hope Center for Children is in full swing! This organization takes a stand against child neglect and abuse by empowering and supporting parents in a variety of ways. We ask that you bring in gently used or new books and new pajamas for boys and girls of all ages. The donation box is waiting for you! We hope to share love with our community through this opportunity.

#CentreSpirit Dance Party

You may have seen the Chastain family in action in past Christmas dance party videos and this year, we want to invite your family to participate! We'll have a music track to share and an official hashtag to use when sharing your videos to social media.  We encourage you to choreograph and record your own routine. Then, we'll all share our posts on Christmas Eve across social media. Stay tuned for more details but start stretching now!

Thank you, all!

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